Monday, March 7, 2011

35/35...and a VERY past due update

*Warning...this post is extremely picture heavy*
I know this post is WAY past due...about 3 weeks to be exact.  Sorry everyone!  I'll start off with my last three belly pics:

(33 weeks 1 day) 

(33 Weeks 1 Day Bare Belly...yikes!  Don't mind the stupid face!)

(34 Weeks 1 Day...sorry for the blurry pic!)
And finally...

 35 Weeks...

I should probably explain tonight's picture.  As many of you know, we are having our basement finished to make room for the baby.  We only have two bedrooms and Scott (and I) still need an office space.  So...this week SHOULD be the last week of construction and today was primer day, which means the lower half of our unit stinks of fumes.  So, Scott made me wear a mask all night! 

I would post pictures of the framing I took last week, but they've done so much more since then that I may just wait and unveil the final product later on this week.  O...what the hell...

Bathroom door on the right, storage door on the left.

Storage room.  Love the plywood shelving.  The second fridge will go in the empty space.

Half Bathroom.

Straight ahead is the wall the TV will go on and the cabinet for all the components on the right.

Office entrance...will be french doors.

Storage area under the stairs...most like for toys/games.

Mechanical room.

Closer view of the office.

View of the TV/play room from the office.

I'm hoping they can finish everything up by Thursday so we can move all the storage boxes taking up space in our dining room as well as Scott's office down to the basement.  Not that I don't love having him up here.  I'm torn...I love having him in the same room as me all the time, but then again, having a husband who works until all hours of the night doesn't bode well for my sleeping habits.  But I already know I'll miss him when he's holed up in his basement office working all the time.

On to the quiz before I continue...

How Far along: 35 Weeks and 35 days to go!  I can't believe it!!

Weight gain: 39 lbs. as of my last appointment last Tuesday.

Maternity Clothes?: Pretty much exclusively.

Stretch Marks?: Still nothing!

Sleep?: Not bad...I had some issues with acid reflux last week, which definitely effected my sleep patterns...more because it's near impossible to lay down, so I had to sleep propped up on my pillows.  This week, I've started getting up once a night to use the bathroom.

The biggest problem lately has been the dust in the house.  Our basement has no windows, so ventilation is a bit of an issue during construction.  Basically, our house is full of dust.  We keep all the vents and doors closed on the second floor but it's still so dry in here.  I actually have yet to rid myself of the congestion and cough I've had since I was sick over a week ago because of it.  But I went out this weekend and spent way too much money on a humidifier to try and keep our bedroom a little less dry. 

Best Moment this week (well, the past few weeks)?: Listening to/watching Scott read bedtime stories to Baby B (or, rather, to my belly).

Being told at my doctor's appointment last week that she thinks the baby has finally turned into position.  She still scheduled a ultrasound for next Monday just to be sure.

Movement?: All the time.  I think he's head down with his butt up and his legs off to my left side.  There's basically nothing over on the right side of my body and all his movements are down or to the left.

Food Craving?: Nothing in particular. Although a new cupcake shop just opened up down the road from us and I'm dying to try it out.

Gender?: Boy!

Labor Signs: Starting to get some braxton hicks, but not too often.

What I miss?:  Still miss wearing my wedding/engagement rings. 

What I'm looking forward to?: The basement getting finished and finally putting everything away and cleaning up.  It also means we can finally clear out everything in the nursery closet and get finalize the nursery.

Emotions: Still too inquisitive, but if that's the worst of it, I can't complain.

And, finally, the nursery update...

We ALMOST have the nursery finished.  We bought the bedding a couple weeks ago and most of the decorations are up (except the name letters, which we won't be purchasing/putting up until after he gets here).  I was really against getting a bedding set.  I think they're a waste of money, since you can't use everything in it (comforter and bumper, especially).  But Scott fell in love with it and I figured we could use the blanket for some tummy time.  It's a little more pirate then the nautical theme we were initially going for, but I think it's perfect!

Here's the bedding set we got...

And here's some updated pics of the nursery...more to come:

The lettering will be going above the ship's wheel and we may put a sailboat on the shelf in the corner.

We may switch out the canvas bins in the shelf to blues and browns that better match the decor. We also went to Borders a couple times over the past few weeks, since they are closing, and bought a bunch of books.

It's hard to see, but Scott did an amazing job putting up the seagull wall decals above the glider.

I almost forgot...we are also having a custom shutter installed on the smaller window in the nursery (not pictured here).  We were having a really hard time finding blinds that worked, since it's a smaller square window that doesn't open.  So we thought this would add a lot of character to that side of the room.

Well, I think that's it for now. I promise I won't wait so long for the next post!