It's safe to say that Felix is no longer interested in taking his monthly photos:
"I will eat your face!"
"I said enough with the photos!"
"Did you really just pants me?!?"
"I'm so embarrassed!"
We will have a new height and weight at our next doctor's appointment in a couple weeks, but it is obvious he is still plagued with my short legs and long torso.
- Has a total of 4 teeth (2 top and 2 bottom), with at least 2-3 more coming in.
- Eats finger foods at all three meals (i.e., cheerios, sweet potatoes, peas, corn, avocado, chicken, pasta, rice, small cheese doodle size baby puffs, yogurt bites, banana, grapes, blueberries, pancakes, scrambled eggs, etc.). Still gets his baby food to make sure he gets enough fruits, veggies, proteins, but eats a lot of finger foods along with it.
- Loves his yogurt. I have been trying to introduce cottage cheese as an alternative to yogurt as well, but he's not taking to it as well as the yogurt (who can blame him).
- Looks like he may be exclusively on sippy cups during the day.
- Stands up on everything and walks from one thing to another while holding on.
- Stands up, sits down and squats down with ease.
- Walks while assisted (holding hands, using a toy with wheels, or just pushing something around)
- Immediately gravitates towards everything we don't want him to get into. We finally got a decorative cover for the fireplace, which helps.
- Hates the final diaper change of the day.
- Finally christened.
- Hates when daddy touches mommy. Will begin screaming the second daddy touches mommy and doesn't stop until he walks away.
- Has formed his own jibberish language and talks incessantly (LOVE it!)
- Loves to turn the pages of his books as we read to him and loves story time before bed.
- Learned how to high five this week.
- Waves bye (when he wants to).
- Crawls very quickly.
- Knows what a doorknob is and tries to reach it, but can't.
- Throws/rolls balls and other toys back and forth (i.e., plays catch).
- Loves bathtime and has started crawling around the tub during his baths. Occasionally falls in face first and gets super shocked for a moment. Loves to take his bath toys and throw them outside the bath to mommy.
- Loves to eat bananas right out of the peel (takes bites entirely too big for him).
- We finally retired the jumper a couple weeks ago. Now that he can move around on his own, he wasn't nearly as interested in it and it freed up a lot of space in the living room.
- LOVES music. If he is ever crying on the car ride to or home from daycare, all I have to do is sing ABCs and Mary Had a Little Lamb on repeat (mostly because it's the only ones I can remember off hand).
- Has two big boy car seats now (infant carrier has been retired).
- Loves riding in his smart trike when we go out. Giggle constantly while riding in it, but screams bloody murder if you ever stop. Usually ends up with mommy running laps around stores while daddy shops.
- Loves anything that is an adult toy. His favorite toys right now are an empty M&M container and the empty tin heart from Valentine's Day.
- Still loves trucks and anything with wheels...such a boy!
Excited to see you guys in a couple weeks!