Wednesday, November 10, 2010

18 Weeks and the Day Care Search

Almost on time this's Monday's pictures:

I swear I grew again since last night.  It has also become more uncomfortable to sit at my desk all day, even with taking frequent walks around the office.  I've even resorted to sitting on a pillow.

How Far along: 18 Weeks 2 Days

Weight gain: Still 9 pounds...have an appointment on the 19th and will find out the new number then.

Maternity Clothes?:  Same as before, but I've been ordering more and more clothes.  Scott and I also moved most of the clothes that don't fit me into the closet in the spare bedroom so I can more easily avoid trying to squeeze into them.

Stretch Marks?: Nope.  Still slathering myself with Palmer's lotion every morning. 

Sleep?: Not so good the last couple days...can't seem to get comfortable.  I wake up a lot with sore hips.

Best Moment this week?: We had a good time Sunday walking around Babies R Us so Scott to start finalizing the registry and look at furniture choices.

Movement?: More and more now.  Today was the first day I could feel the baby almost constantly.  She must be doing somersaults in there!

Food Craving?: Been doing my best to eat the foods on my recommended food lists.  I'm definitely making an effort to get more protein and bring two hard boiled eggs with me to work every day so I get those in.

Gender?: November 19th!

Labor Signs: Not yet!

What I miss?:  Nothing I can think of right now.

What I'm looking forward to?: week is a big week.  And our trip to the Bahamas in December...even if it is only a couple days!

Emotions: I tend to burst out laughing at the most random times...even if I'm in the middle of being angry with Scott!

As far as day care goes...I took last Friday off to start the search and narrow down the choices.  I visited six total locations.  

Three of the locations are actually owned by the same couple, which made things a little easier.  The biggest difference between the three were the age of the building and size of the school.  They all also utilize webcams, so we could log in anytime during the day and see the baby.  It would also be great for our relatives who won't see the baby quite as often.  

I also really liked one of the smaller, less "fancy" locations.  It had a much different feel  but I loved the way the infant teacher interacted with the babies. 

So now it's time for Scott to go back and visit my two top choices when he gets a chance.  Hopefully we can have this all sorted out in the next month or so!

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