Tuesday, January 4, 2011

26 Weeks

OMG, I'm gigantic in this picture!!   All day yesterday (when this picture was taken) it felt like Baby B was trying to push his way out the front of my belly, which is probably why I look so big here.

How Far along: 26 Weeks 1 Day

Weight gain: 23 pounds as of my last appointment...I'll know the new number next Wednesday.

Maternity Clothes?: Almost exclusively, except for one pair of pants and a few longer stretchy pre-preg shirts.

Stretch Marks?: Nope

Sleep?: Depends on the day...last night I was so tired I passed right out...but a lot of nights my racing mind keeps me up. 

Best Moment this week?: Getting a ton of stuff done around the house on Sunday.

Movement?: Yes!  

Food Craving?: Nothing in particular 

Gender?: Boy!

Labor Signs: Not for at least 10 weeks please!

What I miss?:  Being able to bend over without feeling like my lungs are being squished.

What I'm looking forward to?: Looking at baby furniture this weekend (postponed from last weekend)!

Emotions: Better then last week...thank god!!  I've come out of the week or two of crazy out of control emotions and into full blown nesting...all I can think about all day is the organization and cleaning and rearranging I want to do in every room...just the kitchen and basement left to do.  And the nursery of course.


  1. Congrats on knowing its a boy!!! Any names picked out yet?? You look great !!

  2. You look so radiant and happy.....We are so happy for you both and sooooo looking forward to being Great-Aunt and Great-Uncle to our little great-nephew!!!!!
    See you soon!
    Love you!!
    Aunt Teresa
